Transport Museums in Alaska
Welcome to the Interactive map of Transport Museums in Alaska.
Please select a marker on the map, a pop up will display the Museum or collection located there, and a link for more details.
Click on a cluster to zoom in on that section.
Or directly select the type of museum you wish to visit, by using the drop-down menu below.
There are also alphabetical lists below the Map.
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All Transport Museums in the United States.
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Road Transport
Maritime Transport
Air Transport
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Rail Transport
Alaskan museums in alphabetical order
- Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum (Air), Anchorage
Located on the world’s largest seaplane base, Lake Hood, at Anchorage Airport. 4 hangars of exhibits and vintage aircraft, outdoor exhibits, a Control tower, and Flight simulators.
- Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum (Road), Fairbanks
80+ vehicles, steamers, electric cars, 30s classics. Top cars: 1898 Hay Motor Vehicle, 1906 Compound, 1920 Argonne, 1921 Heine-Velox Victoria
- Museum of Alaska Transportation & Industry, MATI (Road, Rail), Wasilla
MATI was established to give a home to the transportation and industrial remnants and to tell the stories of the people and the machines that opened Alaska to exploration and growth.
Alaskan museums ordered by City
- Anchorage, Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum (Air)
- Fairbanks, Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum (Road)
- Wasilla, Museum of Alaska Transportation & Industry, MATI (Road, Rail)