Car & Automotive Museums in New York State
The map below shows just the Car & Automotive Museums and collections in New York State (NY) we have in our directory at the moment.
Please select a marker on the map, a pop up will display the Museum or collection located there, and a link for more details.
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A Journey through New York State
Ready for a journey through New York State? I have chosen the top 5 Transport Museums in New York State, that I think would be excellent for a tour through American Automotive, Aviation, and Motorcycle history.
Let’s start as close to New York City as possible.
Now this first one could get expensive rather quickly. Where the cars are displayed is not technically a Museum, but rather a showroom of some of the world's most exotic cars. Everything on show is for sale, and most do not have a price tag. My personal favorites include a 1973 Series 3 Land Rover Defender, and a 1972 Porsche 911 T. This place is truly every car fanatics dream.
They have a large Museum section with car memorabilia, including signs, gas pumps, and much more. They have regular Events, and Car shows. Be sure to sign up for the Newsletter to stay in the loop.
Let’s Head North
From there we are heading North through New York City, and up through the State to Saratoga Springs. A stunning Journey North on the 87. Saratoga Springs Automobile Museum is part of a Huge complex that includes a Golf Course/Spa, the beautiful Saratoga Performing Arts Center, and even a Tesla Charger! What more could you need. Be sure to check out their home page, and check the calendar for up to date events, and special exhibitions.
Ready for the next Museum
Now that you are all charged up, lets jump back in the car and head towards the next Museum on our list. This is one for the motorcycle fans as well with 28 vintage and other motorcycles on display. Alongside this beautiful collection of bikes, is over 170 Classic cars across 5 climate controlled buildings. It holds the largest collection of Franklins, a large Post War collection from 1940 to 1960. Even the Museum homepage itself advises “Leave ample time” when planning a visit! This one is not to be missed. Head over to our listing for all the details including opening times, and direction. Northeast Classic Car Museum.
On to Finger Lakes
Unless your in your Motor home, I guess you have stayed the night somewhere after the Mammoth visit to Northeast Classic Car Museum. Grab some breakfast, and check out our Near Me page to plan this next leg of our journey. Head West from Norwich towards past the great Finger Lakes to the very southern tip of Keuka Lake.
Here you will come across a real Gem in the Transport Museum World, and some Stunning exhibitions including Aircraft, Motorcycles, and automobiles. The Glenn H. Curtiss Museum is a look through the great achievements of Glenn H. Curtiss, Aviation pioneer and early Motorcycle manufacturer. Including some originals, and reproductions there are some 22 aircraft on display, beautiful boats, carriages, & Motorcycles. This is truly a wonderful Museum, and an important part of American Transport History. Not to be missed.
West Again
West again from The Glenn H. Curtis Museum and towards Lake Erie, and the city of Buffalo is the brilliant Pierce Arrow Museum. This is a story through the growth of Buffalo, and the making of a wonderful luxury car manufacturer. George Pierce used his expertise in Metal cage works, to start making bicycles. In 1906 the Pierce Arrow Motor Car Company moved into a 1,500,000 square foot factory, which still stands today, and houses several different businesses. The Museum is a brilliant journey through the history of one of the great Car manufacturers, and they have some incredible vehicles on display. Check out our listing for the Buffalo Transportation Pierce Arrow [LINK], and be aware that they have different hours through Autumn and winter.
An incredible trip
Wow, what a trip. I’ll leave you here in Buffalo. Be sure to check out our Near Me page, and click the button to keep your journey going, or just head over to Toronto (I hear it's a nice city!)
As always, if there are any Transport Museums that we have missed along the way, please help us out by Adding a Museum.
5 museums in total.
Road Transport
Maritime Transport
Air Transport
All Transport
Rail Transport
New York State museums in alphabetical order
- Buffalo Transportation Pierce Arrow Museum (Road), Buffalo
The collection of historic automobiles, bicycles, Pierce-Arrow memorabilia and documents is unlike any other in the world.
- Collector Car Showcase (Road), Oyster Bay
Collector Car Showcase is a Petroliana/Automotive Museum and sales showroom.
- Cradle of Aviation Museum (Air), Garden City
This museum has over 75 air and spacecraft from a hot air balloon to an actual Apollo Lunar Module.
- Empire State Aerosciences Museum (Air), Glenville
Dedicated to interpreting aviation, particularly as related to New York State.
- Glenn H Curtiss Museum (Road, Air), Hammondsport
The museum also features a 75-seat theater, large open area for special events and a museum store.
- Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum (Air, Maritime), New York
The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum is dedicated to the exhibition and interpretation of history. Examine original artifacts, explore interactive exhibits.
- Motorcyclepedia Museum (Road), Newburgh
The mission of Motorcyclepedia shall be to collect, own, hold, maintain, preserve and make available to the public a collection of motorcycles, motorcycle parts and related artifacts.
- New York Transit Museum (Road, Rail), Brooklyn
The Transit Museum is located in a decommissioned subway station at 99 Schermerhorn Street Brooklyn, NY 11201, and accessible by over 20 bus and subway lines.
- North East Classic Car Museum (Road, Air), Norwich
Permanent exhibits feature pre-war and post-war vehicles, the world’s largest collection of Franklins, and cars made in New York State.
- Saratoga Automobile Museum (Road), Saratoga Springs
We celebrate the automobile and educate the general public, students and enthusiasts.
New York State museums ordered by City
- Brooklyn, New York Transit Museum (Road, Rail)
- Buffalo, Buffalo Transportation Pierce Arrow Museum (Road)
- Garden City, Cradle of Aviation Museum (Air)
- Glenville, Empire State Aerosciences Museum (Air)
- Hammondsport, Glenn H Curtiss Museum (Road, Air)
- New York, Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum (Air, Maritime)
- Newburgh, Motorcyclepedia Museum (Road)
- Norwich, North East Classic Car Museum (Road, Air)
- Oyster Bay, Collector Car Showcase (Road)
- Saratoga Springs, Saratoga Automobile Museum (Road)