Car & Auto Museums in Spain
Find your next Car & Automotive Museum Destination in Spain.
The map below shows just the Car & Automotive museums and collections in Spain we have in our directory at the moment.
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Spanish Car & Automotive Museums in alphabetical order
- Col·lecció d’Automòbils Salvador Claret (Road), Sils Girona
Ford Model T, Rolls Royce, Salmson and Fiat.
- Museo Automovil (Road), Málaga
The “car as a work of art”, a collection of almost a 100 cars.
- Museo De Historia De La Automoción De Salamanca (Road), Salamanca
The Salamanca Motor Museum was opened to the public on the 1st of October 2002, as an exhibition, research and reference centre that includes every aspect of automobile history.
- Museo Fernando Alonso (Road), Asturias
Fernando Alonso Official Museum and Foundation. F1 cars, GoKarts, memorabilia and more!
- Museu de l’Automoció Roda Roda (Road), Lleida
Lleida Automotive Museum presents an extensive collection of cars, motorcycles, motors and scale reproductions.
- Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya (Road, Air), Terrassa
The National Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia is the product of the rich and lengthy heritage of scientific and technical innovation and knowledge.
- Torre Loizaga Miguel de la Via Collection (Road), Bizkaia
The only Rolls-Royce Collection in Europe with all models manufactured between 1910-1998.
- Vehículos Históricos Vall de Guadalest (Road), Guadelest (Alicante)
Here begins his love for the world of workshops and machines.
Spanish Car & Automotive Museums ordered by City
- Asturias, Museo Fernando Alonso (Road)
- Bizkaia, Torre Loizaga Miguel de la Via Collection (Road)
- Guadelest (Alicante), Vehículos Históricos Vall de Guadalest (Road)
- Lleida, Museu de l’Automoció Roda Roda (Road)
- Málaga, Museo Automovil (Road)
- Salamanca, Museo De Historia De La Automoción De Salamanca (Road)
- Sils Girona, Col·lecció d’Automòbils Salvador Claret (Road)
- Terrassa, Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya (Road, Air)