Car & Automotive Museums in Ohio
The map below shows just the Car & Automotive Museums and collections in Ohio (OH) we have in our directory at the moment.
Please select a marker on the map, a pop up will display the Museum or collection located there, and a link for more details.
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7 museums in total.
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Ohio museums in alphabetical order
- Americas Packard Museum (Road), Dayton
The museum features over 50 automobiles on display in the restored Art Deco showroom, service department and pavilion. Cars from 1903 to 1958 on display.
- British Transportation Museum (Road), Dayton
An ever-growing eclectic collection of vehicles (currently 49 plus loaners), 15 bicycles, a Currach boat, and Fergusion tractor in an 83,000 sq. ft. building.
- Canton Classic Car Museum (Road), Canton
From a 1901 curved-dash Oldsmobile to a 1970 Plymouth Super Bird. We have such American icons as the 1966 Ford Mustang, and a 1911 Model T Ford.
- Crawford Auto Aviation Museum (Road, Air), Cleveland
Large collection of vehicles especially those built in Ohio. Cars, aircraft, Carriages, artifacts and memorabilia. Over 140 antique automobiles, 10 aircraft, and 3 carriages.
- National Museum of the US Air Force (Air), Riverside / Dayton
The National Museum of the United States Air Force — the oldest and largest military aviation museum in the world.
- National Packard Museum (Road), Warren
The National Packard Museum’s Mission is to preserve the Packard Legacy and recognize Packard’s influence in transportation and industrial history.
- Snook’s Dream Cars (Road), Bowling Green
It features a recreated 1940s era Texaco gas station, a showroom of extensive automobile memorabilia and a car collection presented within period scenes.
Ohio museums ordered by City
- Bowling Green, Snook’s Dream Cars (Road)
- Canton, Canton Classic Car Museum (Road)
- Cleveland, Crawford Auto Aviation Museum (Road, Air)
- Dayton, Americas Packard Museum (Road)
- Dayton, British Transportation Museum (Road)
- Riverside / Dayton, National Museum of the US Air Force (Air)
- Warren, National Packard Museum (Road)