Swigart Automobile Museum, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania (PA)

USA, North America

Last modified:

February 24, 2023


December 1, 2017

General information

The William E. Swigart Automobile Museum is a 501(c)(3) non-profit museum dedicated to preserve the history of the American automobile. Our remarkable collections have existed for more than 90 years, beginning as a private passion of our founder W. Emmert Swigart. His son, William E. Swigart, Jr., fell under the spell of these wonderful machines and built up the collection to about 150 cars, of which 30 to 35 are on display at the museum at one time. Some are one-of-a-kind such as the 1936 Duesenberg 12 cylinder Gentlemen’s Speedster, the 1920 Carroll, and the 1916 Scripps-Booth. The Swigart Museum is the only automobile museum in the country where visitors can see two Tuckers, the 1947 “Tin Goose” Prototype and #1013.

The museum is accented with even more history. The automotive license plate and radiator emblem collections are believed to be the largest in the world. Automobile lights and horns, bicycles, toys, vintage clothing, and memorabilia are on display throughout the museum. In addition, a gift shop stocked with automobile related products for young and old alike makes a visit to the William E. Swigart, Jr. Automobile Museum a uniquely entertaining and educational experience for all members of the family.

Photo by: Thomas (originally posted to Flickr as Tucker) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Number of exhibited items

Cars & Automotive: 51-100, Car Inventory link
Motorcycles & Bikes: 1-25, Inventory link

Find out the Opening Hours, Current Theme Exhibitions, Ticket Fees, Contact Details, and more.

Other Services and Facilities

Shop / Merchandising


Map Directions

Address: 12031 William Penn Hwy, 16652, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania (PA), USA, North America
Coordinates: 40.444578, -77.946118

Overview map


Note: This information was accurate February, 2023 when it was published/updated, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.

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