Arvika Fordonsmuseum, Arvika

Sweden, Europe

Last modified:

February 24, 2023


November 16, 2017


"Tre museer i ett"

General information

Three museum in one.

Arvika Fordonsmuseum (Arvika Vehicle Museum)

The museum has cars from all ages, but also old motorcycles, mopeds, carriages, sleds, bicycles and even a snow kick from Arvika Vagnfabrik. More than a 100 vehicles that are constantly rotated to keep the exhibition alive. Some of the cars on the collection: Stanley Steamer, 1924; Mercedes 370 S Cabriolet, 1931; Humber, 1903; Volvo PV Valbo Cabriolet, 1953; and the first prototype for Indigo 3000.

Club MC-Veteranerna (Vintage Motorcycle Club)

On the second floor the Motorcycle club “Club MC-Veteranerna” shows their large collection of two-wheelers. Brands like HVA, Douglas, Indian, Bultaco, and Norton.

Thermia museum

Thermia made stoves and heaters from 1923. Now they do heat exchangers etc.

Photo by Liftarn (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Number of exhibited items

Cars & Automotive: 26-50, Car Inventory link
Motorcycles & Bikes: 26-50, Inventory link

Find out the Opening Hours, Current Theme Exhibitions, Ticket Fees, Contact Details, and more.

Other Services and Facilities

Guided Tours, Restaurant / Café, Shop / Merchandising


Map Directions

Address: Thermiavägen 2, 67130, Arvika, Sweden, Europe
Coordinates: 59.6611696, 12.5919058

Overview map


Note: This information was accurate February, 2023 when it was published/updated, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.

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