General information
Drag Racing History. Brilliant layout and an astounding amount of vehicles including some Classics.
Website not working at the moment.
Check the Facebook link for updates, and opening times etc.
Number of exhibited items
Cars & Automotive: 1-25
General Museum Links
Find out the Opening Hours, Current Theme Exhibitions, Ticket Fees, Contact Details, and more.
- Home page (Available in the following languages: English)
Other Services and Facilities
Map Directions
Address: 13700 SW 16th Ave, 34473, Ocala, Florida (FL), USA, North America
Coordinates: 29.022814, -82.15559
Overview map
Note: This information was accurate May, 2022 when it was published/updated, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.