Find a Museum Near me
It is an important part of our lives theses days, whether it be mapping the way to our friends new house, or finding the closest post office, we all have the ability to do this in our pockets.
Transport Museums has long had the option to “allow location”, so that you can see where your house in in relation to the Transport Museums listed here, but we have never had dedicated pages.
We have modified our maps to allow you to find a Transport Museum Near you.
This is a new feature for us, and hopefully it will make our site much more useful. Below, ill give you an overview of the new feature, and the links you’ll need to get specific Museum types, such as Aviation Museums only.
Ok so lets start with an overview. I’ll include some screen shots here, but also the links you’ll need to get to the right page, and start finding Museums Near you.
We have added a ‘Near Me’ button and some distance ‘from you’ options, so that you can find the perfect day out that’s just the right distance.
Museum Near you
A screen shot taken from our new page, giving you the option to select the radius to search, and the “Near Me” button to bring up results. This function is really great if you not sure what type of Transport Museum you are after, or have no preference. I would recommend bookmarking this page, and discovering new Museums around your area. If you haven’t already you must Allow to see your location.
Press Allow on this box, or press the little Padlock next to the Site URL, and change the site options to allow location accordingly.
Here is the link to go directly to the page, Museum near me.
Car Museum near you
Looking for something more specific. We’ve modified our maps to show only the Car Museums Near You. You can specify number of kilometres or miles from your current location and find every Car Museum listing that we have Near You.
This is a great feature to use for a road trip for example, and or a town your not familiar with. Head over to Car Museum Near Me now to get going.
Aviation Museum Near You
Searching for something closer to the sky? This is our newest addition to the map updates, and will bring you an interactive map of all the Aviation Museums currently listed on Car Air Bike Museums directory Near You. Widen or shorten the radius to bring options for the perfect day out.
Head over to Aviation Museum Near Me now to get started.
We will be adding and updating this feature to include all Transport Museum types soon.
We hope you enjoy using this new feature, and as always if you can’t see your favourite Museum, please feel free to help us out and add it to our directory.