Transport Museums in Wisconsin (WI) USA
Welcome to the Interactive map of Transport Museums in Wisconsin.
Please select a marker on the map, a pop up will display the Museum or collection located there, and a link for more details.
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There are also alphabetical lists below the Map.
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Wisconsin Transport Museums in alphabetical order
- Alfa Heaven Motorama Auto Museum (Road), Aniwa
Over 400 vehicles from around the world. The loft of The Bike Barn has over 200 old motorcycles. The Main Museum has over 100 vehicles on 2 levels.
- Elmer’s Auto & Toy Museum (Road), Fountain City
Come see over 100 muscle, antique, classic cars and trucks, as well as hundreds of pedal cars, dolls and thousands of antique toys and tools.
- National Railroad Museum (Rail), Green Bay
The National Railroad Museum is proud to have the only A4 Class locomotive in the United States. An awesome collection of locomotives, and more!
- Wisconsin Auto Museum (Road), Hartford
The museum shows a stunning 110+ vehicles on exhibit, including: Pontiacs, Studebakers, Chevrolets, Kaisers, Fords, and other cars from around the world.
Wisconsin Transport Museums ordered by City
- Aniwa, Alfa Heaven Motorama Auto Museum (Road)
- Fountain City, Elmer’s Auto & Toy Museum (Road)
- Green Bay, National Railroad Museum (Rail)
- Hartford, Wisconsin Auto Museum (Road)