Transport Museums in Ontario (ON), Canada

Welcome to the Interactive map of Transport Museums in Ontario.

Please select a marker on the map, a pop up will display the Museum or collection located there, and a link for more details.

Click on a cluster to zoom in on that section.

Or directly select the type of museum you wish to visit, by using the drop-down menu below.

There are also alphabetical lists below the Map.

3 museums in total.

Road Transport

Maritime Transport

Air Transport

All Transport

Rail Transport

Ontario Transport Museums in alphabetical order

  • Canada Aviation and Space Museum (Air), Ottawa

    Engage with the wonder of flight through its collection. Focuses on aviation in Canada. More than 130 aircraft. Most extensive collection in Canada. Also the fantastic Canadarms.

  • Canadian Automotive Museum (Road), Oshawa

    Largest collection of Canadian cars in the world. Largest Canadian collection of Rolls-Royces.

  • Canadian Transportation Museum & Heritage Village (Road, Air), Kingsville

    You will see both original and fully restored hallmark vehicles from the 19th and 20th century, from horse drawn wagons to a 1992 Dodge Viper.

Ontario Transport Museums ordered by City