Transport Museums in Massachusetts (MA), USA

Welcome to the Interactive map of Transport Museums in Massachusetts.

Please select a marker on the map, a pop up will display the Museum or collection located there, and a link for more details.

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Or directly select the type of museum you wish to visit, by using the drop-down menu below.

There are also alphabetical lists below the Map.

3 museums in total.

Road Transport

Maritime Transport

Air Transport

All Transport

Rail Transport

Massachusetts Transport Museums in alphabetical order

  • Heritage Museums and Gardens (Road), Sandwich

    Heritage’s antique automobile collection features 40 American-made cars, ranging from 1899 through 1962.

  • Larz Anderson Auto Museum (Road), Brookline

    Larz Anderson Auto Museum is located in the Anderson Carriage House in Brookline, Massachusetts and has the oldest collection of motorcars in the USA.

  • The Collings Foundation (Road, Air), Stow

    Focused on preserving military aircraft which they show all around the US, but an excellent collection of passenger and racing cars as well. Open to the public during events only a few times per year.

Massachusetts Transport Museums ordered by City