Transport Museums in Argentina

Welcome to the Interactive map of Transport Museums in Argentina.

Please select a marker on the map, a pop up will display the Museum or collection located there, and a link for more details.

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There are also alphabetical lists below the Map.

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3 museums in total.

Road Transport

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Argentina museums in alphabetical order

  • Automobile Club of Argentina Museum (Road), Buenos Aires

    Daimler 1892 and Ferrari 166 used by Fangio, or a tandem two-seater Wanderer, an electric Krieger from 1898, a Mors 1899, or a Yruam?

  • Museo del Automóvil Termas de Río Hondo (Road), Santiago del Estero

    The “Museo de Automovil Termas de Río Hondo”, one of the great works in the Province, is a contained space within the “Termas de Río Hondo International Circuit”

  • Museo Juan Manuel Fangio (Museum) (Road), Balcarce, Provincia de Buenos Aires

    Excellent list of Vehicles, and a serious racing history. From a Ford “A” 1929 (de Bianculli) to a 1958 Maserati 450 S, and over 35 in between.

Argentina museums ordered by City