Transport Museums in Andorra
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Please select a marker on the map, a pop up will display the Museum or collection located there, and a link for more details.
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There are also alphabetical lists below the Map.
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Road Transport
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Rail Transport
Andorran museums in alphabetical order
- Museo de la Moto de Canillo (Road), Canillo
150 motorcycles on display. This museum is also known as Museu de les Dues Rodes or M2R.
- Museu Nacional de l’Automòbil (Road), Encamp
National Automobile Museum Andorra has vehicles from a steam car such as the Pinette (1885), up to the the 70’s. Around 80 vehicles.
Andorran museums ordered by City
- Canillo, Museo de la Moto de Canillo (Road)
- Encamp, Museu Nacional de l’Automòbil (Road)