General information
We can’t find any information about ticket prices.
Some of the cars and bikes on display:
- 1910 Ford T Speedster
- 1910 Harley Davidson Board Track Racer
- 1924 Model T School Bus
- 1926 Chevrolet Touring Car
- 1928 Packard 443
- 1931 Cadillac
- 1935 Auburn Boat Tail Speedster
- 1936 Plymouth Delux
- 1937 Packard V12 Sedan
- 1941 Lincoln Continental Mark I
Number of exhibited items
Cars & Automotive: 26-50, Car Inventory link
General Museum Links
Find out the Opening Hours, Current Theme Exhibitions, Ticket Fees, Contact Details, and more.
- Home page (Available in the following languages: English)
- Opening hours
Other Services and Facilities
Map Directions
Address: 28380 Highway 74, 92585, Menifee, California (CA), USA, North America
Coordinates: 33.7435323, -117.1654473
Overview map
Note: This information was accurate February, 2023 when it was published/updated, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.