Ford Piquette Avenue Plant, Detroit, Michigan (MI)

USA, North America

Last modified:

February 24, 2023


January 11, 2018

General information

In 1997, the city of Detroit changed the zoning around the historic Ford plant and it was suspected that bulldozers might not be far behind. The Henry Ford Heritage Association got involved to examine how they might save the building. Three years later, a group of historians, preservationists, and Model T enthusiasts incorporated the Model T Automotive Heritage Complex as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization and purchased the building. They are dedicated to preserving the building and providing a unique experience of Detroit’s history. The plant now attracts visitors from around the world, bus tours, families, and scores of people attending public and private events from car shows to weddings.

Image by Will Lawson, from museum page.

Number of exhibited items

Cars & Automotive: 1-25

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Map Directions

Address: 461 Piquette Avenue, 48202, Detroit, Michigan (MI), USA, North America
Coordinates: 42.3689381, -83.0657094

Overview map


Note: This information was accurate February, 2023 when it was published/updated, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.

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