Help the Estrella Warbirds Museum Preserve a NASA F-104G Starfighter

Roughly a dozen Lockheed F-104 Starfighters have served with NASA, and the Estrella Warbirds Museum in Paso Robles, California is lucky enough to have one of them on loan for display. Their Starfighter is TF-104G 61-3064. She was one of several German two-seaters in US markings which were based at Luke AFB in Phoenix, Arizona to train Luftwaffe pilots on the type. In 1975, as the Luftwaffe began reducing their Starfighter fleet, three of their Luke-based TF-104Gs transferred to NASA, with 61-3064 being amongst them.
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Photo by: Chris Finney [GFDL 1.2 or GFDL 1.2], via Wikimedia Commons