Car & Auto Museums on Ireland
The map below shows just the Automotive museums and collections in Ireland & Northern Ireland we have in our directory at the moment.
Please select a marker on the map, a pop up will display the Museum or collection located there, and a link for more details.
Click on a cluster to zoom in on that section.
Related pages
We also have separate pages for Car & Automotive Museums in:
2 museums in total.
Road Transport
Maritime Transport
Air Transport
All Transport
Rail Transport
Irish and North Irish Car & Automotive Museums in alphabetical order
- Kilgarvan Motor Museum (Road), Slaheny / Kilgarvan
Family run museum where can browse at your ease. Visit and have a cup of coffee or tea, while you drool over the motors and the motorabilia.
- Ulster Folk and Transport Museum (Road, Air, Rail), Holywood
The Transport Museum displays one of Europe’s largest and transport collections in our permanent galleries. From horse-drawn carriages to Irish built cars.
Irish and North Irish Car & Automotive Museums ordered by City
- Holywood, Ulster Folk and Transport Museum (Road, Air, Rail)
- Slaheny / Kilgarvan, Kilgarvan Motor Museum (Road)