Car & Auto Museums in the Netherlands / Holland
The map below shows just the Automotive museums and collections in the Netherlands / Holland we have in our directory at the moment.
Please select a marker on the map, a pop up will display the Museum or collection located there, and a link for more details.
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Dutch Car & Auto Museums in alphabetical order
- Classic Park (Road), VK Boxtel
Exploitation of Classic Park rests on several pillars: payed visits to the museum, acquisition and sales of automobiles, corporate and public events. Classic Park features several well-equipped event and conference rooms and a charming restaurant. The…
- Healey Museum (Road), AK Vreeland
The earliest Healeys receive a prominent place in the collection. The Museum shows a number of Warwick built Healeys, including a Sportsmobile from 1949.
- Louwman Museum (Road), Haag
The world’s oldest private collection of motor cars. Over 250 amazing cars. It’s considered one of the most beautiful auto museums in the World.
Dutch Car & Auto Museums ordered by City
- AK Vreeland, Healey Museum (Road)
- Haag, Louwman Museum (Road)
- VK Boxtel, Classic Park (Road)