Car & Auto Museums in Belgium
The map below shows just the Car & Automotive Museums and collections in Belgium we have in our directory at the moment.
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Belgian Car & Automotive Museums in alphabetical order
- Abarth Works Museum Guy Moerenhout Racing (Road), Lier
Museum has a large stock of Abarth cars, spare parts. Specials like: Fiat Abarth 124 Rally, Fiat Abarth 1300/124, X1/9.
- Autoworld (Road), Brussels
They have around 1000 cars of which a “smaller” part is displayed at Autoworld Brussels. They also display a lot of motorbikes.
- Musée de l’Auto Mahymobiles | Mahymobiles Car Museum (Road), Leuze-en-Hainaut
Over 300 cars are on permanent display. How about an Ava Monoplace, a Barré or a Corre La Licorne?
- Musée Du Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps (Road), Stavelot
Located in the Abbey of Stavelot.
- Old Timer Museum (Road), Lo-Reninge
Belgian Cars such as Excelsior, 1911; Fabrique Nationale (FN), 1924; Minerva, 1930 and Imperia, 1937. A Decauville 1899 and other cars. Old Belgium bikes. Militaria.
Belgian Car & Automotive Museums ordered by City
- Brussels, Autoworld (Road)
- Leuze-en-Hainaut, Musée de l’Auto Mahymobiles | Mahymobiles Car Museum (Road)
- Lier, Abarth Works Museum Guy Moerenhout Racing (Road)
- Lo-Reninge, Old Timer Museum (Road)
- Stavelot, Musée Du Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps (Road)