Fahrtraum Ferdinand Porsche Erlebniswelt Car / Auto Museum, Mattsee, Austria
Jul 7, 2022
This is a fantastic car museum for OLD cars, mainly from Austro-Daimler, that Ferdinand Porsche was involved in to a varying degree. They have cars from 1901, an electrical hybrid car, Jacob Lohner Model Mixte, all they way up to the Second World War with a KDF-wagen from 1938.
Also cars from Steyer, Rauch & Lang, Wanderer, and VolksWagen. They also have a tractor museum in the basement with newer models. See the last images in the gallery below, the orange one with a fairing is amazing!
The following cars were shown in 2016:
-Jacob Lohner Model Mixte, 1901
-Austro Daimler 28/32, 1908
-Austro Daimler Prinz Heinrich, 1910
-Austro Daimler 14/28 Kaiserwagen, 1911
-Austro Daimler AD 20 Double Phaeton Australer, 1911
-Rauch & Lang Elektroauto | Electric car, 1912
-Austro Daimler, 1918
-Austro Daimler AD 25 Oeffag Innenlenker, 1921
-Austro Daimler AD 6-17 Double Phaeton, 1922
-Austro Daimler AD 617 Jagdwagen, 1923
-Austro Daimler ADR Double Phaeton, 1923
-Austro Daimler ADV Double Phaeton Argentinier, 1923
-Austro Daimler ADM 10/45 HP, 1924
-Austro Daimler ADM Oeffag Double Phaeton Schweizer, 1926
-Austro Daimler ADM-R Stuck-Rennwagen, c:a 1927
-Austro Daimler ADR Torpedo, 1929
-Steyr 30, 1930
-Steyr 30 typ 45 Taxameter, 1931
-Wanderer (Auto Union) W21, 1935
-KDF-wagen, 1938
-VW Type 82 ‘Kübelwagen’
-VW Type 166 ‘Schwimmwagen’
-Allgaier P 312, 1952
Photos taken by Kristian Adolfsson (https://adolfsson.photo).
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----Our page about the museum:
---Article about our visit to the museum
----Fahrtraum's web site:
----adolfsson.photo Portfolios for Kristian Adolfsson
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Music by: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Kai_Engel/
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