Car & Automotive Museums in Illinois
The map below shows just the Car & Automotive Museums and collections in Illinois (IL) we have in our directory at the moment.
Please select a marker on the map, a pop up will display the Museum or collection located there, and a link for more details.
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Illinois museums in alphabetical order
- Illinois Railway Museum (Rail), Union
The main museum campus in Union, Illinois features more than twenty structures spread out across 100 acres of land. These include exhibit buildings which house much of the museum’s collection.
- Klairmont Kollections Car Museum (Road, Air), Chicago
This magnificent museum consist of over 300 of the most stunning, impressive, and clever vehicles any car enthusiast could hope to see during their lifetime.
- Pontiac – Oakland Automobile Museum and Resource Center (Road), Pontiac
Our Mission is to preserve, exhibit, and maintain Pontiac and Oakland automobiles and related artefacts, to include preserving their heritage.
- The Beller Museum (Road), Romeoville
The Museum houses numerous collections of vehicles, tools, parts and information to tell stories of how cars and trucks, served their original owners.
- Volo Auto Museum (Road, Air, Rail), Volo
The Volo Auto Museum is an all-day, 35-acre, destination the entire family can enjoy, even for those who aren’t car lovers. 400-car collection that features special interest cars from the 1900’s and up
Illinois museums ordered by City
- Chicago, Klairmont Kollections Car Museum (Road, Air)
- Pontiac, Pontiac – Oakland Automobile Museum and Resource Center (Road)
- Romeoville, The Beller Museum (Road)
- Union, Illinois Railway Museum (Rail)
- Volo, Volo Auto Museum (Road, Air, Rail)