Car & Automotive Museums in Colorado
The map below shows just the Car & Automotive Museums and collections in Colorado (CO) we have in our directory at the moment.
Please select a marker on the map, a pop up will display the Museum or collection located there, and a link for more details.
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Colorado Car Museums in alphabetical order
- CLOSED – Gateway Canyons Automobile Museum (Road), Gateway
Museum closed 2023.
- Colorado Railroad Museum (Rail), Colorado
Stroll the Museum’s 15-acre railyard with over 100 narrow and standard gauge steam and diesel locomotives, passenger cars, cabooses, G-scale garden railway and more.
- Forney Museum of Transportation (Road, Air, Rail), Denver
What started as a collection of 1 now has over 800 artifacts!
- Shelby American Collection (Road), Boulder
The Shelby American Collection celebrates the rich heritage of the Cobra, Shelby Mustang and Ford GT 40 cars that changed the face of auto racing in the 1960s.
- The National Museum of World War II Aviation (Road, Air), Colorado Springs
The National Museum of World War II Aviation documents the role that military aviation played in the emergence of our nation as a world power during WWII.
- Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum (Air), Denver
Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum includes more than 182,000 square feet of hangar space and 50 iconic aircraft dating from 1939 to 1990.
Colorado Car Museums ordered by City
- Boulder, Shelby American Collection (Road)
- Colorado, Colorado Railroad Museum (Rail)
- Colorado Springs, The National Museum of World War II Aviation (Road, Air)
- Denver, Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum (Air)
- Denver, Forney Museum of Transportation (Road, Air, Rail)
- Gateway, CLOSED – Gateway Canyons Automobile Museum (Road)