Car & Automotive Museums in California
The map below shows just the Car & Automotive Museums in California we have in our directory at the moment.
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California Car & Automotive museums in alphabetical order
- Academy of Art University Automobile Museum (Road), San Francisco
A glimpse into the history of the Art and Design of automobiles.
- Automobile Driving Museum (Road), El Segundo
The Automobile Driving Museum’s mission is to collect, preserve, exhibit and ride in historic vehicles. 130+ Vintage, Antique and Muscle Autos.
- Blackhawk Museums (Road), Danville
The Automotive Gallery has almost 50 historically significant vehicles with some really rare ones.
- California Automobile Museum (Road), Sacramento
A large museum with Cars and Motorcycles. Usually on display: 1900 Locomobile Steam, Ford: 1904 C Runabout and Model B Touring, 1906 Model K Touring; 1909 CarterCar
- California Route 66 Museum (Road), Victorville
California Route 66 Museum is about the U.S. Highway 66. It shows the cultural influences since 1926; and impacting effects is had on architecture, arts, and commerce.
- Chico Air Museum (Air), Chico
Aviation History!
- Deer Park Winery & Auto Museum (Road), Escondido
Supposed to be the largest collection in the world of Convertible cars! Amphicar, Benz, Crofton, Crosley, Franklin, Messerschmitt, Muntz, and more.
- J. A. Cooley Museum (Road), San Diego
If you like 1950’s vehicles, this is the place!
- Lyon Air Museum (Road, Air), Santa Ana
Lyon Air Museum has authentic aircraft, rare vehicles and related memorabilia, with emphasis on the defining event of the 20th century – World War II.
- Malamut Auto Museums Foundation (Road), Thousand Oaks
The Mike Malamut Museum is a private auto collection and is not open to the public. Visits can be arranged for car clubs, charity events, or by appointment.
- Marconi Automotive Museum (Road), Tustin
The museum was founded by Dick Marconi and opened to the public in 1994. About 80 cars and motorcycles.
- Maritime Museum of San Diego (Maritime),
The museum has one of the world’s finest collections of historic ships, including the world’s oldest active ship Star of India.
- Motte Historical Museum (Road), Menifee
We can’t find any information about ticket prices. Some of the cars and bikes on display: 1910 Ford T Speedster 1910 Harley Davidson Board Track Racer 1924 Model T School Bus 1926 Chevrolet Touring Car 1928 Packard 443 1931 Cadillac 1935 Auburn Boat Ta…
- Mullin Automotive Museum (Road), Oxnard
Amazing museum with mostly vintage cars. Open only on scheduled Saturdays.
- Murphy Auto Museum (Road), Oxnard
Murphy Auto Museum has over 90 beautiful vintage automobiles on display. Cars rotate on a continuous basis, keeping the collection fresh and interesting.
- NHRA Motorsports Museum (Road), Pomona
NHRA (National Hot Rod Association) Motorsports Museum, Hot Rods and Dragsters.
- Petersen Automotive Museum (Road), Los Angeles
This amazingly looking museum was named US museum of the year in 2016.
- San Diego Automotive Museum (Road), San Diego
Car museum in San Diego with a collection of cars and motorcycles that highlight automotive culture throughout history.
- San Diego Electric Railway Association (SDERA) (Rail), National City
They are dedicated to the preservation of the history of the San Diego Electric Railway, primary streetcar system operating late 1800s to 1949.
- The Nethercutt Museum (Road, Rail), Sylmar
They show more than 250 of the world’s greatest cars. Pebble Beach winners. Gobron-Brille, Pope-Hartford, Knox, Hispano-Suiza.
- Toyota USA Automobile Museum (Road), Torrance
Toyota’s U.S. history spans more than 55 years. These vintage vehicles trace Toyota’s history, an unknown company in 1957, to one of today’s leading automakers.
- Western Museum of Flight (Air), Torrance
One of the most interesting planes they have is the YF-23A “Black Widow II” PAV-2.
California Car & Automotive museums ordered by City
- Chico, Chico Air Museum (Air)
- Danville, Blackhawk Museums (Road)
- El Segundo, Automobile Driving Museum (Road)
- Escondido, Deer Park Winery & Auto Museum (Road)
- Los Angeles, Petersen Automotive Museum (Road)
- Menifee, Motte Historical Museum (Road)
- National City, San Diego Electric Railway Association (SDERA) (Rail)
- Oxnard, Murphy Auto Museum (Road)
- Oxnard, Mullin Automotive Museum (Road)
- Pomona, NHRA Motorsports Museum (Road)
- Sacramento, California Automobile Museum (Road)
- San Diego, San Diego Automotive Museum (Road)
- San Diego, J. A. Cooley Museum (Road)
- San Francisco, Academy of Art University Automobile Museum (Road)
- Santa Ana, Lyon Air Museum (Road, Air)
- Sylmar, The Nethercutt Museum (Road, Rail)
- Thousand Oaks, Malamut Auto Museums Foundation (Road)
- Torrance, Toyota USA Automobile Museum (Road)
- Torrance, Western Museum of Flight (Air)
- Tustin, Marconi Automotive Museum (Road)
- Victorville, California Route 66 Museum (Road)