Car & Auto Museums in Italy
The map below shows just the Car & Automotive museums and collections in Italy we have in our directory at the moment.
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Italian Car & Automotive Museums in alphabetical order
- Centro Storico Fiat (Road, Air), Turin
Centro Storico Fiat now hosts a collection of automobiles, mementos, models and advertising manifestos by artists spanning the company’s entire history.
- Classic Motoring Association of Syracuse “Motorismo d’Epoca” (Road), Syracuse
Cars from the 1920s to the 1980s, some custom built models from 1935/1940 and sports cars such as Formula 1.
- Fiat 500 Club Italia (), Garlenda
Fiat 500 and Italian motorsport History!
- Lamborghini Museum (Road), Sant'Agata Bolognese, Bologna
The history of Ferruccio and the Lamborghini cars. They also have Guided tours of the production lines.
- Maserati Factory Tour (Road), Modena
Italy is home to the best motoring attractions offering travelers opportunities to experience the heritage and tech evolution that underpinned human culture.
- Museo del Motorismo Siciliano e della Targa Florio (Road), Termini Imerese
This structure exhibits the beautiful Alfa Romeo 33 3 liters at the entrance with which Nino Vaccarella and Toine Hezemans won the victory in the 1971 edition.
- Museo Dell’Automobile “Luigi Bonfanti” (Road), Romano d'Ezzelino
It is the only Museum in Europe to employ an exhibition formula unique and most original, an endless series of monothematic exhibits.
- Museo dell’Automobile di Torino | Turin Car Museum (Road), Metropolitan City of Turin
The National Automobile Museum was set up in 1932, based on the idea of two pioneers of Italian motoring, Cesare Goria Gatti and Roberto Biscaretti di Ruffia.
- Museo Enzo Ferrari (MEF) (Road), Modena
Museo Enzo Ferrari has a stunning, futuristic main pavilion and tells the magical story of Enzo Ferrari’s 90 years.
- Museo Ferrari Maranello (Road), Maranello
Museo Ferrari Maranello tells the Ferrari story. A journey from F1 cars, legendary sports prototypes and GTs, to road cars of today.
- Museo Mille Miglia (Road), Brescia
The museum of the legendary race “Mille Miglia” is situated inside the Monastery of Saint Eufemia, a beautiful building complex of immense archaeological value.
- Museo Nicolis (Road, Air), Villafranca di Verona
Opened in 2000. “Museum of Cars, Technology and Mechanics” has cars, motorbikes, planes, instruments, cameras, and more.
- Panini Motor Museum (Road), Modena
The Museum Collection has been gradually improved, thanks to the restoration of some cars, and enriched even further with the famous Maserati 6 CM from 1936
- Pininfarina Museum (Road), Cambiano, Metropolitan City of Turin
The Collection is the true custodian of the company’s values, with which Pininfarina presents itself to guests. A place where past, present and future blend.
Italian Car & Automotive Museums ordered by City
- Brescia, Museo Mille Miglia (Road)
- Cambiano, Metropolitan City of Turin, Pininfarina Museum (Road)
- Garlenda, Fiat 500 Club Italia ()
- Maranello, Museo Ferrari Maranello (Road)
- Metropolitan City of Turin, Museo dell’Automobile di Torino | Turin Car Museum (Road)
- Modena, Museo Enzo Ferrari (MEF) (Road)
- Modena, Panini Motor Museum (Road)
- Modena, Maserati Factory Tour (Road)
- Romano d'Ezzelino, Museo Dell’Automobile “Luigi Bonfanti” (Road)
- Sant'Agata Bolognese, Bologna, Lamborghini Museum (Road)
- Syracuse, Classic Motoring Association of Syracuse “Motorismo d’Epoca” (Road)
- Termini Imerese, Museo del Motorismo Siciliano e della Targa Florio (Road)
- Turin, Centro Storico Fiat (Road, Air)
- Villafranca di Verona, Museo Nicolis (Road, Air)