Tractor Museums

The map below shows just the Museums with Tractors and Farming equipment exhibits we have in our directory at the moment.

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Tractor Museums in alphabetical order

  • American Tractor Museum, North America, Perryville, Missouri (MO), USA

    Over twenty century old tractors in the collection!

  • Antika Traktör Müzesi, Asia, Europe, Gelibolu/Çanakkale,, Turkey

    Tractors of all shapes and sizes.

  • August Horch Museum, Europe, Zwickau, Germany

    On the ground of the former Audi factory, at the origin of great automotive history, you find the August Horch Museum.

  • Australian Road Transport Heritage Centre, Australasia, Gundagai, Australia

    Proudly displaying Trucks that kept Australia moving.

  • Auto & Technik Museum Sinsheim, Europe, Sinsheim, Germany

    HUGE Transport museum, Tupolev Tu-144, Concorde, Me-109, about 60 planes. 300 vintage cars, old Mercedes, Maybachs, Bugattis etc.

  • Branson Auto and farm museum, North America, Branson, Missouri (MO), USA

    The Branson Auto and Farm Museum features over 100 cool cars and tractors and many of them are for sale. 90,000 square foot building.

  • Canadian Transportation Museum & Heritage Village, North America, Kingsville, Ontario (ON), Canada

    You will see both original and fully restored hallmark vehicles from the 19th and 20th century, from horse drawn wagons to a 1992 Dodge Viper.

  • Car & Tractor Museum, Europe, Uhldingen-Mühlhofen, Germany

    More than a Museum. It’s a walk back in time!

  • Centro Storico Fiat, Europe, Turin, Italy

    Centro Storico Fiat now hosts a collection of automobiles, mementos, models and advertising manifestos by artists spanning the company’s entire history.

  • Cole Land Transportation Museum, North America, Bangor, Maine (ME), USA

    Our purpose at the Cole Land Transportation Museum is to collect, preserve, and display a cross section of Maine’s land transportation equipment.

  • Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum, Europe, Munich | München, Germany

    In exhibition spaces covering a total of 12,000 square metres, you can experience 275 historical trains, cars, motorcycles, bicycles and coaches.

  • Dover Transport Museum, Europe, Whitfield, Dover, United Kingdom

    Historic Vehicles, Vintage Garage & Motorcycle Shop, Dover Car Ferry & Train Ferry Memorabilia

  • Ferdinand Porsche Erlebniswelt fahr(T)raum, Europe, Mattsee, Austria

    Fantastic museum near Salzburg in Austria. Old cars, mainly Austro Daimler, that Ferdinand Porsche was involved in.

  • Gotlands Veteranbilmuseum, Europe, Visby, Sweden

    Cars (1907-1970) from Rolls-Royce to electrical. Bikes from 1901-1980s. Bicycles, Tractors and other memorabilia.

  • Grampian Transport Museum, Europe, Alford, United Kingdom

    The museum is a living museum that probes the past, present and future. Many exhibits are climb aboard, hands on and even ride on!

  • Isle of Man Motor Museum, Europe, Jurby, United Kingdom

    Several historically significant vehicles including a 1953 Humber Super Snipe tourer built for and used by Queen Elizabeth II. Over 200 motorcycles.

  • Johannamuseet, Europe, Skurup, Sweden

    Johanna Museum has vintage cars, motorbikes, musical instruments, toys. Oldest Swedish car, a Cederholm from 1894.

  • Jurby Transport Museum | Manx Transport Trust Ltd, Europe, Jurby, United Kingdom

    The Jurby Transport Museum is housed in a former RAF Bellman Aircraft Hangar. It shows buses, cars, lorries and a steam tractor.

  • Koller’s Oldtimermuseum, Europe, Kleinwetzdorf, Austria

    About 70 cars from the last 120 years of car history. 1886 to modern brands, Porsche, Ferrari, Jaguar. Rare ones: Bugatti, Hispano Suiza and Packard. Bicycles, motorbikes and tractors.

  • Louwman Museum, Europe, Haag, Netherlands

    The world’s oldest private collection of motor cars. Over 250 amazing cars. It’s considered one of the most beautiful auto museums in the World.

  • Memory Lane Motorsports and Historical Automotive Museum, North America, Mooresville, North Carolina (NC), USA

    150 vehicles and related items. Over 15 different types of race cars. Collection of pedal cars, motorcycles, tractors.

  • Miracle Of America Museum, North America, Polson, Montana (MT), USA

    18,000 visitors from the entire 50 United States,10 Canadian provinces, & 24 foreign countries. It contains thousands of artifacts.

  • Motte Historical Museum, North America, Menifee, California (CA), USA

    We can’t find any information about ticket prices. Some of the cars and bikes on display: 1910 Ford T Speedster 1910 Harley Davidson Board Track Racer 1924 Model T School Bus 1926 Chevrolet Touring Car 1928 Packard 443 1931 Cadillac 1935 Auburn Boat Ta…

  • Museum Fichtelberg, Cars Planes and Bikes, Europe, Fichtelberg, Germany

    A transport museum with automobiles, airplanes, motorcycle, fire engines, and tractors. More than 500 exhibits across three halls and outdoor areas.

  • Museum of Alaska Transportation & Industry, MATI, North America, Wasilla, Alaska (AK), USA

    MATI was established to give a home to the transportation and industrial remnants and to tell the stories of the people and the machines that opened Alaska to exploration and growth.

  • Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT), Australasia, Western Springs, New Zealand

    Auckland’s Museum of Transport and Technology, is New Zealand’s largest transport, technology and social history museum. Spread across 40 acres.

  • N.C. Transportation Museum, North America, Spencer, North Carolina (NC), USA

    In the largest remaining Roundhouse in North America!

  • Panini Motor Museum, Europe, Modena, Italy

    The Museum Collection has been gradually improved, thanks to the restoration of some cars, and enriched even further with the famous Maserati 6 CM from 1936

  • Pioneer Auto Show, North America, Murdo, South Dakota (SD), USA

    Pioneer Auto Show opened in 1954. They have over 275 cars, 60 motorcycles, and 60 tractors on display.

  • Pioneer Village, North America, Minden, Nebraska (NE), USA

    20 flying machines, 100 antique tractors. See the world’s oldest Buick, a 1902 Cadillac and a 1903 Ford, plus 350 other antique cars.

  • Portland Powerhouse Motor and Car Museum, Australasia, Portland, Victoria (VIC), Australia

    It features veteran, vintage and classic cars, motorcycles, stationary engines, signs, models, a 1920s Cable Tram, tractors, motoring memorabilia.

  • Queensland Motorsport Museum, Australasia, Sumner, Queensland (QLD), Australia

    Closed until further notice.

  • Samgöngusafnið í Stóragerði Skagafirði, Europe, Hofsós,, Iceland

    300+ Vehicles!

  • Smålands Bil-, Musik- och Leksaksmuseum, Europe, Rydaholm, Sweden

    Småland’s Car, Music, and Toy Museum”

  • Swiss Museum of Transport, Europe, Luzern, Switzerland

    All types of transport from bicycles to the locomotive the Crocodile. More than 30 historic aircraft. ‘Monteverdi’ car exhibit, large numbers of historic vehicles.

  • The Collings Foundation, North America, Stow, Massachusetts (MA), USA

    Focused on preserving military aircraft which they show all around the US, but an excellent collection of passenger and racing cars as well. Open to the public during events only a few times per year.

  • The Shuttleworth Collection, Europe, Biggleswade, United Kingdom

    Based in the aerodrome, the Collection contains some of last airworthy aircraft of their type remaining anywhere in the world.

  • The Transportation Museum at Ystafell, Europe, Þingeyjarsveit, Iceland

    A small museum in Iceland.

  • Unique Antique Auto Museum, North America, Marmarth, North Dakota (ND), USA

    Only open during the summer (May to September). Not much info about the cars on the home page.

  • Volo Auto Museum, North America, Volo, Illinois (IL), USA

    The Volo Auto Museum is an all-day, 35-acre, destination the entire family can enjoy, even for those who aren’t car lovers. 400-car collection that features special interest cars from the 1900’s and up

  • Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum – WAAAM, North America, Hood River, Oregon (OR), USA

    An Aviation, Auto, and Transport museum in Hood River, Oregon.